Display Door State on Matrix LED
Display door state on matrix LED with two obniz Boards. You can know if the door is open or not by the face displayed on the matrix LED at your seat far from the door.
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Display door state on matrix LED with two obniz Boards. You can know if the door is open or not by the face displayed on the matrix LED at your seat far from the door.
HTML elements such as images, sentences, and buttons will tilt if you tilt the acceleration sensor.
Build a control button on a browser, and turn on an LED when pressing it, by Block Programming.
Flash the LED on the obniz Board. In this example, let’s make the flashing time and the fading time be the same interval.
This is a sample when you want to change the time when the LED flashes on and off with the obniz board.
Turn on an LED with an obniz Board by block programing.
Turn on several LEDs with an obniz Board by block programing.
Using the HTML5 color picker, I will try to display the selected color as it is with full color LEDs.
Add a button to obniz and make an app that shows a new web page when the button is pressed.
The number of LEDs on the tape LED will change according to the position of the slider on the web page.
You can change the color of the full color LED connected to the obniz with the radio button.
The LED connected to obniz can be turned on and off by the button on the web page.
You can change the background color of the web page according to the angle of the knob of the variable resistor connected to obniz.
A 3D object on a browser rotates when a button is pressed.
If you enter a text message on a page opened on your smartphone, it will be sent from obniz via UART.
Notify Slack when the room temperature goes over 35℃ with a temperature sensor.
It recognizes the angle of your face as it moves to the camera on your smartphone or PC and moves the servo motor in the same direction as your head tilt.
The DC motor can be turned or stopped by voice recognition.
Make a virtual piano keyboard on browser. You can make tone sounds with a speaker if you tap keys.
Change the color of traffic LED light depending on the weather, using OpenWeatherMap Weather API.
Control a flag waver using speech recognition.
Log temperature sensor data using WebApp.
obniz identifies what is on camera and if it is a cat, it sounds a buzzer.
Using the camera module and obniz, let’s create an IoT that can be streamed outdoors.
Displaying 3D sphere on an obniz OLED display. The program works with only an obniz.
Displaying the color got from color sensor on HTML.
Every time you tap your pocket, a cookie on the website is added.
I made “that” in the movie Back to the future!
What’s this as bluetooth-keyboard, obniz unlock iPhone.
Draw a camera image on the obniz display using opencv.js.
Why don’t you create a clock with obniz?
By using MatrixLED_MAX7219 and HTML5 Canvas, Drawing Characters on LED.
By using MatrixLED_MAX7219 and HTML5 Canvas, drawing circle animation on Matrix LED.
Use 2D laser scanner and draw the result of scanning on an obniz.
Make things The Jpeg serial camera is a camera that converts images taken into jpegs and sends them via uart.T…