Temperature Logger [WebApp]
Make things
Log temperature sensor data using WebApp.
You can use the obniz WebApp as a prepared app without even creating a program by yourself.
There are some useful tools such as a testing environment.
After an app is installed, you can always access the app and use it anytime.
Temperature Graph WebApp makes it possible to measure temperature every second using a temperature sensor connected to obniz and graph it in real time.
- obniz Board*
- temperature sensor
use Ks0022 keyestudio LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor* this time.
* included in Starter Kit.
How to make
Hardware connection
Connect the temperature sensor to the obniz as below.
obniz | temperature sensor |
0 | signal |
1 | +V |
2 | GND |
[reference] obniz Parts Library (Keyestudio TemperatureSensor)
Install Temperature Graph WebApp.
You name App Name as you like. It might be a good idea to include the location of the temperature sensor in the name.
Input your obniz’s ID for obnizID, and select the type of the sensor.
After setting, connect the obniz to the power and the Internet. Now, you are ready.
It measures temperature about every second and the graph is being updated.
Now you can check temperature anywhere anytime just access obniz via the Internet!