Change the color of the full-color LED with a radio button

Make things

You can change the color of the full color LED connected to the obniz with the radio button.


How to make

Hardware connection

Connect the LED to the obniz Board as shown in the figure, referring to the full color LED parts library.

obniz LED
0 Green
1 Blue
2 Red
3 Anode or cathode


※Please note that the order of the pins may differ depending on the full color LED.


Line 10 let led = obniz.wired(‘FullColorLED’, {r:2, g:0, b:1, common:3, commonType:’cathode_common’}); In the commonType field of let led = obniz.wired(‘FullColorLED’, {r:2, g:0, b:1, common:3, commonType:’cathode_common’}); Depending on the type of LED you have, write anode_common or cathode_common.

Make a radio button as follows.
The name attribute value can only be selected as one of the colors, and the value attribute value has a color for each.

<input type="radio" name="colors" value="red" >red

Get the value attribute value of the button that is being checked with jQuery.

let checkedVal = $('input[name="colors"]:checked').val();



Select a color and press CHANGE!!! to change the full color LED to the selected color. If you select gradation change, the color will continue to change in a gradient.