Control a radio-controlled vehicle using a smart phone’s acceleration sensor [block program].
The AI Robot Kit can be operated by using the acceleration sensor built into the smartphone.
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The AI Robot Kit can be operated by using the acceleration sensor built into the smartphone.
It recognizes the angle of your face as it moves to the camera on your smartphone or PC and moves the servo motor in the same direction as your head tilt.
The DC motor can be turned or stopped by voice recognition.
Make things Let’s make the radio control car that moves by recognizing words.
Control a flag waver using speech recognition.
obniz identifies what is on camera and if it is a cat, it sounds a buzzer.
Use PoseNet to create a puppet doll that can be turned up, down, left and right.
Make things Self driving car by recognizing lines with a smartphone camera.
Make things The fan that detects your face and rotate with iPhone camera.