Model Railroad Controller
Using obniz, you can operate a model train from your smartphone or PC.
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Using obniz, you can operate a model train from your smartphone or PC.
The bubble gun will blow soap bubbles each time your tweet gets like on Twitter.
Control an air conditioner from your smartphone with obniz!
This program notifies on Slack when you go out and return home.
Play a game of tennis with two people using two obnizs. obniz has a switch and display, so you can make simple games!
Let’s make a bird changing its moving or chirping depending on the smartphone’s orientation.
Shake to move animals!
Let’s make a panda that copies your facial expressions.
Let’s make a simple RC car with an obniz and two DC Motors.
Controlling a trash can by just saying “OK, Google, close the cover of the trash can!” with IFTTT.
When it is birthday scheduled on Google Calendar, real balloons will fly.
The flag shake when someone tweets with hashtag “#obniz.”
Use PoseNet to create a puppet doll that can be turned up, down, left and right.
Make things The Jpeg serial camera is a camera that converts images taken into jpegs and sends them via uart.T…