Remote Air Conditioner Controller
Make things
Control an air conditioner from your smartphone with obniz!
Put obniz + IR + temperature sensor to your home. You can control it from a browser on your Smartphone.
- obniz board x1 (*)
- power supply for obniz x1
- IR Module x1 (*)
- LM35DZ(temperature sensor) x1 (*)
- Smartphone x1
- air conditioner x1
(*) These are included in IoT Home Kit.
How to make
Hardware connection
First, connect parts to an obniz like the table and the image below.
obniz | parts |
0 | [IR Module] Vcc |
1 | [IR Module] send(IR LED anode) |
2 | [IR Module] recv(IR Receiver output) |
3 | [IR Module] GND(IR LED cathode) |
7 | [LM35DZ] GND |
8 | [LM35DZ] output |
9 | [LM35DZ] Vcc |
Supply power to the obniz and run the program. The temperature measured by temperature sensor will be displayed.
Second, record your air conditioner’s signal for ON/OFF.
The example contains comment outed code for IR receiver. Remove the comment out and record your air conditioner’s ON/OFF signal. Your signal will be showed in log.
Put recorded data into the array of the infraredLed.send([])
at the “Program”(line 23).
$("#on").click(function(){ // your value for ON here. infraredLed.send([]) }) $("#off").click(function(){ // your value for OFF here infraredLed.send([]) })
At last, run the program again and push tap the “ON/OFF” button.