We released more robust and affordable way to manage your devices and serverless events on obniz Cloud through the API.
obniz Cloud API
obniz Cloud API let you manage Your devices and other account related informations. Not only yours. By authentication, You can manage other user’s information using OAuth.
const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient(`https://api.obniz.com/v1/graphql`, { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, }, }); const query = `{ user { id, name, email } }`; const user = await graphQLClient.request(query);
See more documents on API Overview
Manage Your Server software with WebApp
From Today, You can create and share Your WebApps with other users.
WebApp let you access your account via the obniz Cloud API.
“Install” let your server to easily configure and setup and scale-out.
obniz provide “Install” feature for your WebApp. By using Install, other users can install your WebApp with individual configuration. And Your WebApp will be notify install by Webhook and can retrieve all installs with configurations through obniz Cloud API.
Your server side software is now free from manage configurations for each user and devices.
See more details on Docs
And some WebApp Examples are available on GitHub