
Robot that likes Tweets [ IFFFT integration ]

Make things

If you tweet with a specific hashtag, it makes your robot spin around like it was happy.


How to make

Hardware connection

Build an AI Robot Kit following the instruction.



Program the AI ​​robot to express its joy.

In the third line, execute the move function. Below the 4th line is the definition of this function.
In this function, the Ai Robot Kit is programmed to move left and right.

Here, make sure to write the last sentence to stop the Ai Robot Kit.
Without this, the robot won’t stop moving.

Create a serverless event

Register the program you made as an event.

Select “Serverless Events” and press “Create New” on the developer’s console page.

Serverless events is an automatically program execution on the cloud by trigger you set. In this example, the trigger is a tweet.

Select the file you made earlier to WebApp to run, and Event Triggers is Webhook.

You can name it as you like.

Integrate Twitter

In order to execute the serverless event triggered by Tweets, use a service of IFTTT.
IFTTT is a free, web-based service that allows you to connect your apps to each other.

You can use any service as a trigger, but this time, use a service that IFTTT provides.

Click the icon next to Explore on the top page. Then, select Create.

Click This and chose Twitter among Services.

Select “New Tweet by you with hashtag,” and set “#obniz.”


As for That, select webhooks.

Paste the URL created in the obniz Serverless event, and set other items as shown above.
That’ s all you need to do.

Enjoy trying various things with IFTTT and obniz!
