Building a slack integrated doorbell with a M5StickC
Make things
Make a doorbell with a M5StickC.
When a visitor presses the doorbell, it pushes a notification to a Slack channel.
- M5StickC with obnizOS x1
- Slack account x1
How to make
Hardware you need to build a Slack doorbell is just a M5StickC.
It is ok as long as it is supplied with power.
As for software, go to this page, and get the Webhook URL to send a message to a Slack.
Select the channel where you want to receive a notification, and press “Add Incoming Webhooks Integration.”
var url = 'WEBHOOK_URL_HERE'; var data = { "channel": 'CHANNEL_NAME_HERE', "username": 'obniz-bot', "text": msg };