obniz.js / obnizOS 3 has various new features.
- The startup screen looks cool!
- BLE is easier to use!
- To use the Sleep function!(Only obniz Board 1Y)
To use these new features, both firmware and program updates are required.
※How to update the firmware. See blow: Remote OS Update (OTA)
Change obniz.js version
Change the HTML tag [email protected] to 3.0.X.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/obniz.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/obniz.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Added BLE initialization
If you are writing a program that uses BLE, you need to initialize BLE.
Call await obniz.ble.initWait()
obniz.onconnect = async function () { obniz.ble.scan.start(); . . . }
obniz.onconnect = async function () { await obniz.ble.initWait(); obniz.ble.scan.start(); . . . }
Delete BLE CCCD settings
In obniz 2.x.x, it was necessary to use CCCD Descriptor (0x2902) when using the BLE notify function.
Since obniz 3.0.0 they are created automatically. Therefore, delete about descriptors description completely.
Use obniz as a peripheral
var characteristic = new obniz.ble.characteristic({ uuid: 'FFF1', data: [0x0e, 0x00], properties : ["read","write","notify"], // add notify properties descriptors: [ { uuid: '2902', //CCCD data: [0x00, 0x00], //2byte }, ], }); var service = new obniz.ble.service({ uuid: 'FFF0', characteristics: [characteristic], }); obniz.ble.peripheral.addService(service); // after central connected characteristic.notify();
var characteristic = new obniz.ble.characteristic({ uuid: 'FFF1', data: [0x0e, 0x00], properties : ["read","write","notify"], // add notify properties descriptors: [], // CCCDはpropertiesをみて自動で付与されます }); var service = new obniz.ble.service({ uuid: 'FFF0', characteristics: [characteristic], }); obniz.ble.peripheral.addService(service); // after central connected characteristic.notify();
Use obniz as Central
var target = { localName: "obniz-notify" }; var peripheral = await obniz.ble.scan.startOneWait(target); var connected = await peripheral.connectWait(); if(connected){ let char = peripheral.getService('fff0').getCharacteristic( 'fff1'); let cccd = char.getDescriptor("2902"); let result = await cccd.writeWait([0x01, 0x00]); // register cccd for remote peripheral console.log(await cccd.readWait()); // check cccd char.registerNotify( function(data){ console.log("notify with data " + data.join(',')); }); }
var target = { localName: "obniz-notify" }; var peripheral = await obniz.ble.scan.startOneWait(target); var connected = await peripheral.connectWait(); if(connected){ let char = peripheral.getService('fff0').getCharacteristic( 'fff1'); // delete cccd setting char.registerNotify( function(data){ console.log("notify with data " + data.join(',')); }); }
Delete BLE security settings
obniz 2.x.x had a function to set the security level of BLE.
Since obniz 3.0.0, security is automatically supported.
obniz.ble.security.onerror = function() { console.error('security set params error'); obniz.reboot(); }; security.setModeLevel(1, 2); //LE Security Mode 1, Level 2
// nothing todo
The migration is complete!
obniz 3.0.X includes Sleep function that can be used with 1Y, so please try it out.