(App Ver.) A Simple Regular Watering System

 Make things

Using obniz Board and obniz App’s cloud running feature, you can easily create a system for regular watering.




How to make

Hardware Connection

Connect the obniz to the pump as shown in the following table.

obniz pump
0 white cable
1 red cable



Register your obniz Board!

Go to the obniz console and click on “Devices” → “Add Device.

When the dialog opens, click on “Add Bought Device.” Follow the instructions on the screen to register.


Make your App!

Make an app to run the program. You can distribute apps you created and installed and run on each device(Please see App – obniz Docs for more details.)

If you want to run the app first without creating it yourself, install and run the following apps that have already been created.

For installation instructions, see Install an App and the next section, “Install your App on your Device.”


Go to the obniz console and click on “App Development” → “Create WebApp.


Choose “Empty” from the “obniz Board/1Y Templates” and type the name of your app in the window that comes up. Then press “Create New App.”


Edit the app settings. This time, enter “every/6hours” in the “Run on Time” field so that you can run the watering every 6 hours.

After updating settings, click on the “Edit Program” to enter the program editing screen. 

Then, paste the program in the 定期水やりシステム link in the “Program” chapter below and save it. Once saved, the application is complete.


Install an App on your Device

Install the app you have created on your device. Go to the obniz console and click on “Install.”


Next, select the obniz Board that you would like to run the program and click on “install.”


The App automatically runs in the cloud every 6 hours if the device is online. You can check if it’s running properly in the “Devices” section of your console. If the app status is green as shown below, the most recent run was successful.


Please see the program of 定期水やりシステム that have already been created.


The system waters plants once every 6 hours. You can easily create a system for regular watering like this.


Even if the device is remote, you can easily change the timing of its running from the console. Also, if you replace the sensor with another type of one, all you have to do is simply update the program from the console.